Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas With a Capital "C"

The Countdown Continues...

1 Day Left...

THE LOCK-IN !!!!!!!

Invite ALL your peeps, homies, friends, posse, and any other yutes you know!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Events @ CTBC

Be sure to make you calendars (or your parents) for these exciting upcoming events at CTBC!

Everyone is welcome so, invite your friends and family and anyone else you know to join in the festivities !!!!
[ sorry for using such a
big word on you :-) ]

November 30th
Youth Lock-in - Practicing Christmas Program
6:00 p.m.

December 1st
Antietam Battlefield Tailgate Picnic 4:00 p.m.

December 2nd
Decorating Chrismon Tree Service 6:30 p.m.

Dec 2nd – Dec. 23rd
Advent Season – Anticipation of & Preparation for the Christ Child

December 7th
Trip to view Christmas Lights & Fireworks
Clearbrook, VA 4:30 p.m

December 9th
Children’s Choir Program 11:00 Service
Youth Program 7:00 p.m.

December 16th
Christmas Cantata Program – Choir/Handbells
7:00 p.m.

December 21st
Christmas Caroling Party @ CTBC 6:00 p.m.

December 24th
Cookies & Milk Eatin' and Drinkin' 5:45 p.m.
Family Christmas Eve Service 6:00 p.m.
Candlelight Communion Service 10:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 25, 2007




6:00 PM

Invite your friends and join in the fun, fellowship, food, games, movies, no sleep, etc. at this exciting event. You will be "locked in" from 6:00 pm 'til morning. Don't worry the doors are locked for safety! If you want more info then drop us an email or call CTBC @ 725-5917

P.S. You will be practicing your Christmas musical...sometime during the night.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Trusting God as Savior, we can be thankful for the following:

Transforming power - Psalm 40:2

Holiness - Revelations 4:8b

A present salvation- Rom 10:9-10; Colossians 1:12

New life - II Corinthians 5:17

Keeping power - John 10:28

Shelter from the stormy blast - Psalm 61:3

Gift of His Son - II Corinthians 9: 15

Inner Peace - John 14:27

Victory - I Corinthians 15:57

Inheritance - Colossians 1:12

Nearness for the alien - Ephesians 2: 13

God's goodness - I Chronicles 16:34

Our thanks to God, who keeps on giving.

B.J. Stone

Monday, November 19, 2007

Great Job!!


Yesterday CTBC celebrated Senior Adult Sunday. As part of the festivities there was a church wide luncheon honoring CTBC Senior Adults. The the luncheon several youth served as waiters and waitresses for the luncheon. And some had to wash dishes and take out the trash! They all went above and beyond and did a FANTASTIC job!!! The people in attendance could no believe what a stupendous job the youth did.

If you look way in the back you can see you
can see some CTBC youth poised for action!

You talkin' to me?!? You talkin' to me?!?!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Youth Alive! YOUth Choir

There is no if, and, or buts about it!!!!


We can't do a whole program with just 3 people. Well, technically we can but it would be very difficult to pull off especially since we there are far more than 3 parts. If you need a ride to and/or from, we will take care of that.


The Night...Pt.1 and Pt. 2

"The Night" Part 1
“The Night” is a monthly event hosted by Shanonndale Springs Chapel. “The Night” happens on the last Saturday of every month from 7-10pm in Avon Bend, off of Kabletown Road. “The Night” is a direct result of desire by Youth to see God move among their own generation. Fueled by this desire and inspired by events like Battlecry a few youth came forward yearning to organize a worship service just for teenagers. Coincidentally (funny how coincidence works), four young men driven by the same desires were striving to put together music in their newly built band room. The two forces came together and with the timely gift of a location from Trish and Mike Johansen, "The Night" and the band Sunday Obsession were both born. Little did they know where this little worship time and a band with a few praise songs would be in a few short months.

Attendance for "The Night" has gone from 15 something to 70, spawning an event called "The Big Night" where 350 people saw between 20 and 24 kids receive salvation. The band also is making a name for itself and are headed to the recording studio in November. “The Night's” activities include game time and fellowship, a guest speaker and worship time. There are usually snacks and sodas to be found amidst the frazzled youth leaders.

The CTBC church van will be headed out to “The Night” each month. We will gather at 6:16 PM and leave at 6:31 PM. Don’t miss out on the fun, food, and fellowship! For more info check out

"The Night" Part 2
If you skipped down to this part without reading part 1 then my I suggest that you scroll up and read part 1. Other wise you might find yourself residing in the land of confusion Hey, that would make a great song and the '80's band Genesis could sing it and make a video to go on MTV and VH1, I assume they still play videos.

See what happens when really old guys get to take over the keyboard. HAHAHAHA

The Night
November 24th, 7-10pm
@ The Johanson's "Upper Room"

Dwayne & Shasta Douglas
Tina Frances
Carey & Becky Hall

Hey Everyone!!!

I just wanted to let you know that we have something awesome coming at you for the November Night! We will have the band Our City Sleeps jamming with us!

Our City Sleeps was founded in 2007 when four friends from Liberty University decided to come together to jam. When four worlds decided to unite, a sound was created that pulls from virtually every music genre. The band was then struck with an epiphany that would shape their purpose as musicians. Realizing that so many people call themselves followers of God but don't even know what that really means, the band took on a name that told of the burden that had taken hold of their hearts. The band, realizing their call as speakers of truth embarked on a great journey that is unfolding before their very eyes. A journey with passion. A journey with purpose. A journey that is dedicated to tell the world the message of Jesus and to give encouragement to those who follow Him.

Band Members include: Shaun Hypes, Daniel Johnstone, Josh "j-dub" Waltman, Ben "the executioner" Mauch.

We are really excited to have these guys come, and I hope you all can make it so we can worship God together! God bless!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Kurios, from the Greek, He to whom a person or thing belongs; master, Lord; the possessor and disposer of a thing the owner; one who has control of the person, this title is given to: God, the Messiah.

The Charles Town Baptist Youth ministry exists to bring glory to God, spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ, and to prepare teens to live lives which bring glory to Jesus Christ, our Savior and LORD.